in Reflections

2017: A Year I’m Thankful For

Year 2017 is nearing its end, and soon enough, we will be welcoming a brand new 2018. What are you grateful for the past year and what are you expecting for the year ahead?

I have 3 things I’m grateful for, and another 3 things I’m looking forward for 2018.

Things I’m Grateful For 2017

  1. Healthy, and Contented LifeThe year has been one of those I thank God because when I look back, I realized
    • I haven’t used much of my sick leave from work, hehe
    • I can buy most of what I like to eat, compared 10 years ago when I was broke and sickly as a student
    • I have healthy family I can always go back and spend time with and friends whom I can share my ups and downs

    I know there are those people who might not be as blessed as I am. But one thing I’ve learned in life is this: being thankful for whatever life has given me will change my perspective in life big time, and eventually, will give me hope for a brand new day. So, I hope you will also be grateful that the year is ending, and a brand new year is coming up ahead.

  2. Things I Learned that Made me a Better Person

    Year 2017 has been a year where I had my share of disappointments. I have accepted my fate of staying here in the Philippines for good, and letting go of people who have not realized my worth. I’m thankful because there are other things I can do from just studying abroad, like enhancing my professional career and saving up to invest in the future. This has been a year of pivot for my dreams, and so I’m excited for new and unknown things in the year ahead.

  3. Time to Correct Mistakes and Enjoy Life
    Several times, I’ve encountered people who have regrets of the things they have not done, or things they have done in mistake. It’s as if time has eluded them. For this year, I am thankful because I’m still given the time to correct mistakes and enjoy life as a single person, do things I love to do without another soul trying to demand his way for my life, and without thinking much as how to survive in a war-torn environment. Just this year, our country has experienced terrorist attacks with the Marawi crisis, and I’m blessed enough to be on that part of the country where we are protected from being attacked. I’m also thankful because even as a Filipino, I’m given the chance to contribute to the development of our country, even in my own little way. 


Things I’m Looking Forward For 2018


  1. Professional AdvancementIn a few weeks time, I’d be on my 3rd decade in this life, and I’m looking forward to doing things that will certify my professional experience.
  2. Financial BreakthroughAll these years, I’ve had my share of financial obligations for my family, but I’m looking forward to saving up and adding my own investments for the future.
  3. Fulfilling Relationship 

I’ve been saving my heart for that one special person I’ll be spending the rest of my life with. I’m being honest, though I’m not anxious enough to jump into any relationship that would give me heartaches in the long run. I’m taking my time because I know my worth and I’m looking forward to meeting that guy who is brave enough, bold enough and courageous enough to meet my standards. Mind you, my ultimate standard is based on a God-centered relationship so I’m also thankful God has been taking care of my heart for so long. 🙂


Lastly, I’m mostly grateful for all of you who have taken the time to read my posts this 2017 and accompanied me in this journey called life. I’m looking forward to sharing bits and pieces about me but for now, I’m gonna take the time to re-design this blog for a more focused me come 2018.


Enjoy life as always!

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