in Reflections

The art of Job Hunting


         Now that it’s November and I’ve finished my clearance, I’m faced with a choice. Actually, it’s choices. 🙂 Choices of where I’m supposed to go after four years of hardwork and training for the real world.

        For some people, job hunting is so easy. Maybe because they have friends or relatives working in a company that it’s easy for them to get in. However, for lots of fresh graduates like me, it’s hard to look for a job suitable to your interests and training.

       My uncle and several friends advise me to enter the call center world while waiting for a possible job interview that suits my interests. I know being a call center agent is not an easy thing to do, but then, if like me, you are having financial difficulties, then you would consider working in such environment because of its high salary.

      I know it’s hard thing to stand for your convictions, to hope for something unpredictable. But then, faith is something you do not see and something you believe in, no matter what it takes. In job hunting, it’s the time to exercise one’s faith, no matter how unpredictable it may seem.

      So, as I apply for jobs online, faith is the key. But practically, preparation for job interviews and confidence is also needed.  Job Hunting is the art where techniques are applied. So, as I put on faith, preparation and confidence in the canvass of employers, I know I can move mountains, no matter how big it is. 🙂


  1. I am a recruiter and a professional resume writer for and I can say that it is an art to get a job, but even a bigger art to interview. You have to ask the right questions and give the right answers but the most important thing is telling the interviewer how you will fill the position.


  • insurancesitesfind » Blog Archive » The art of Job Hunting June 24, 2011

    […] But practically, preparation for job interviews and confidence is also needed. Job Hunting is the art where techniques are applied. Read more […]